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Analytics 07.10



The pair met a support at the level 1.11079. AO indicator is in the negative zone, below the line of support/resistance and the line of balance. If we fix below the area 1.11079-1.10984 (weekly pivot S2), our reference will be the level 1.10739. The next lower target is the area 1.10434 (weekly pivot S3)-1.10263 (monthly pivot S2).

If we fix above the main monthly pivot S2 1.11334, our reference will be the area 1.11591 (main daily pivot)-1.11694 (weekly pivot S1). The next target is the level 1.11931. A further reference is the area 1.12244 (main weekly pivot)-1.12301 (main monthly pivot).


Daily levels of support: 1.10984, 1.10739, 1.10263

Daily levels of resistance: 1.11334, 1.11694, 1.12301





The pair is lying at the main daily pivot 1.23856. AO indicator is in the negative zone, below the line of balance and the line of support/resistance. If we fix below this level, our references will be the monthly pivot S3 1.22506 and the level 1.20164.

The nearest upper reference is the monthly pivot S2 1.25829. Then we have a way to the monthly pivot S1 1.27807.


Daily levels of support: 1.23856, 1.22506, 1.20164

Daily levels of resistance: 1.25190, 1.25829, 1.27807





The pair met a resistance at the level 104.165. AO indicator is in the positive zone above the line of balance, but below the line of support/resistance. If we fix above the resistance, our references will be the levels 104.570 and 104.979. A further reference is the monthly pivot R2 106.140.

If we fix below the monthly pivot R 103.734, our reference will be the level 103.351. The next target is the weekly pivot R2 102.840. A further reference is the area 102.084 (weekly pivot R1)-101.913 (main monthly pivot), where we can see MA200.  


Daily levels of support: 103.734, 103.351, 102.840, 101.913

Daily levels of resistance: 104.165, 104.570, 104.979, 106.140