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PROfit trade

1. What does PROfit trade mean?

PROfit trade is the LAMM program (Lot Allocation Management Module). PROfit trade system allows traders to open master accounts all orders on which can be copied by other traders on their trading accounts. At that time, the system calculates the volume of lots depending on an amount on the account and a copy percentage set in a section ‘Manage subscription’.

2. How can I open a master account to publish signals?

To be able to publish your trading signals, you need to open a new trading account, make a deposit and select in a section ‘My signals’ of your Personal Account ‘Publish new signals’.

The next step you need is to select a section ‘Signal’, indicate a name of your master account and a commission, and accept terms and conditions.

3. Is there a minimum amount for master accounts?

A minimum amount on a trading account that is going to be used for publishing signals in PROfit trade system must be not less than $1,000.

4. How can I subscribe to trading signals?

To be able to subscribe to trading signals, you have to:

  1. Select ‘Browse signals’ in your Personal Account;
  2. Select one of the available master accounts (you can also check the detailed information about this account);
  3. Select a ‘Subscribe’ section, indicate your trading account and click subscribe.

You can also set a copy percentage in this section and set a copy of Stop Loss and Take Profit orders.

5. How can the orders be copied?

After a successful subscription to a copy of trading signals of one of the master accounts, trades opened on this account will be copied to your account. The system calculates the volume of the trades depending on an amount on your account and a copy percentage set in a section ‘Manage subscription’.

Example: A trader has a master account with a deposit for $10,000 and opens a short order on EURUSD for 1 lot. A subscriber has an account with a deposit for $1,000. This order will be copied to subscriber’s account with the volume 0.1.

6. What guarantees does PROfit trade system provide?

A trader trades in PROfit trade system on his/her own account with his/her own funds.

7. How can I unsubscribe from a copy of trading signals or choose another master account?

To unsubscribe from a copy of trading signals you have to:

  1. Select a ‘Subscription’ section in your Personal Account;
  2. Select a master account;
  3. Select a ‘Manage subscription’ section and click ‘unsubscribe’;
  4. You can choose then another master account following p. 4.
8. How can I manage my subscriptions?

You can manage your subscriptions in a ‘Subscription’ section of your Personal Account. You can see here your accounts and accounts to which you are subscribed. You can check the statistics or select one of the accounts, go to a ‘Manage subscription’ section and change a copy percentage and a copy of Stop Loss and Take Profit orders.

9. What are the differences between PAMM and LAMM accounts?

Starting with PAMM-system, funds of investors and PAMM-Manager will be accumulated on one trading account. At that time, incomes or losses are divided proportionally according to distributed funds.

As for the LAMM-system, manager trades on his/her own account and all orders are copied to the accounts of subscribers. At that time, some orders cannot be copied if an amount on a master account and the volume of orders are higher than amount on subscriber’s account.

10. How can I find the statistics of a master account?

You can find the statistics and information about a master account in a ‘Browse signal’ section of your Personal Account.  You need to select one of the master accounts to get detailed information.

Here you can see the following information:

Growth means the current percentage balance of the account including open orders.

Subscribers means the number of subscribers to the account.

Commission means the commission of a trader charged for signal copy services.

Weeks means the duration of the account.

Win rate means a percentage of profitable orders closed on this account.

The next information contains the full statistics of the account:

Trades means the total number of trades made on this account.

Profitable Trades means the total number of all profitable trades on the account.

Loss Trades means the total number of all unprofitable trades on the account.

Best Trade means an amount of the most profitable trade on the account.

Worst Trade means an amount of the most unprofitable trade on the account.

Gross Profit means an amount of net profit on the account.

Gross Loss means an amount of net loss on the account.

Number of profitable trades running means the highest number of all profitable trades running on the account.

Maximum amount of profitable trades running means a maximum amount of profit gained from the highest number of profitable trades running.

Recovery Factor means a ratio of income to a maximum drawdown on the account.

Long Trades means the total number of trades for buying.

Short Trades means the total number of trades for selling.

Profit Factor is the main indicator of a trading system that characterises an effectiveness of the account. Profit Factor is a ratio of amount of all profitable orders to amount of loss orders for a definite period of time.

Sharpe Ration is an indicator that defines a stability of the account to risk of loss. Higher meaning means account is stable to risks.

Average Profit means a ratio of gross profit to the total number of profitable trades on the account.

Average Loss means a ratio of gross loss to the total number of unprofitable trades on the account.

Number of unprofitable trades running means the highest number of unprofitable trades running on the account.

Maximum amount of unprofitable trades running means a maximum amount of loss gained from the highest number of unprofitable trades running.